Sunday, June 10, 2007

San Diego again!

After the silly "fight" with Michal on saturday because i am too sad to leave, I drove back to NY this past Sunday, and got into San Diego the same evening. Then I started my internship the next day at Qualcomm, the same place as last summer. My old supervisor left the company to do business, and my new supervisor is young and kinda cute (haha, too bad he is married haha) but not that experienced, because I am his first supervisee. I guess we will both be learning as time goes on. My project is not decided yet, I am just learning background material for now. But I am not very good at concentrating on books for that long =P especially it is a grad level book...

Also, the head quarter somehow did not update my starting date, and thought i was gonna start next week. So i did not have an office and computer yet. Other interns got assigned to the secretary corners... I was worried if i would get that too. I mean it has a lot of space there, but because it is an public area, i don't like it that much, haha because I slack off once while, chat online a little, etc. I finally found out my office assignment today, it is on a different floor from everyone, but at least it is a real office (though share with someone else), so i am ok with that.

Also, as careless as me, I left my green card, which is needed for starting my job, at home. Thank god there is over night delivery =P (Thanks, mom!)

The only problem is that my car situation is not settled, the friend who supposed to lend me a car is out of town on a training session; another friend's car is dead for now, but he is going to try to fix it this saturday, if it comes back to life, I can drive his car... finger crossed! =P and right now, friends are giving me rides. I love having nice friends =)

Even though I don't have a car yet, I have already arranged a trip to the beach with some friends this saturday. During this summer, I am also planning on make a trip to visit friends. The places on list are north cal, LA, Vegas, and maybe even Colorado! =) Will see how they turns out =)

Oh something interesting, another girl from MIT (grad) started the same day as I did, she rode a motorcycle with her boy friend all the way from MIT! how crazy is that! haha especially she is just a little Chinese girl haha

sigh I misses the east coast............ not much the weather, but the people...

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